How to Unlock your Futures Mindset?!

First published on LinkedIn on 27th November 2017:

Last time, I’ve introduced CLA, the Foresight method by Sohail Inayatullah to analyze those worldviews. Today, we will focus on another framework that supports diverse thinking and steps aside from the general Foresight approach to discover our environment in a new way by using Foresight also to discover ourselves.

A New Framework of Environmental Scanning

The Integral Futures concept describes an approach where we not only uncover the system = external world we live and its social, technological, environmental, and political drivers of change but we also analyze our behavior and underlying mental models.

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” — Mark Twain

Once we are too confident about what we think or how the future will develop we start to see only those signals that support our own beliefs while neglecting information that would prove us wrong. Therefore, foresight and especially the approach of Integral Futures enables organizations and individuals to understand our interior, exterior, individual and collective world preparing us for the uncertainty of the future. Richard Slaughter published an article about Integral Futures as a ‘New Approach for Environmental Scanning’ already in 1999 if you want to dive deeper into the topic.

In this article, I will focus on Ken Wilber’s basic framework of the four quadrants. Even with this approach, uncertainty won’t vanish completely but we can learn to manage it through exploring diverse pathways of the future. However, before we start exploring the future, we need to analyze how we currently think so we can start thinking differently.

Wilber’s Four Quadrants

Ken Wilber developed a meta-framework highlighting that besides the empirical analysis of our environment there is a deeper level of unlocking our futures thinking. This integral model describes people in a holistic context — both as individuals and within a collective. Wilber, therefore, analyzed how hundreds of researchers study their environment and discovered a pattern illustrated by his four-quadrant model:

The four quadrants are:

Upper-left: Intentional and represented by the ‘I’. This quadrant reflects our feelings, hopes, dreams, and intentions. It is what we think, believe and where our values are rooted.

  1. Upper-right: Behavioral and represented by the ‘IT’. This quadrant describes our individual behavior, how we act and react due to our education, cultural background or intelligence.

  2. Lower-left: Cultural and represented by the ‘WE’. This quadrant describes our culture, myths and social world. The stories and traditions we know because we grew up in this world.

  3. Lower-right: Social (system) and represented by the ‘ITS’. This quadrant describes the system we live in and it is also where the well-known STEEP-Analysis is taking place.

Integral Futures, hence, offers a holistic approach where we first discover our own value and belief system and then identify and become aware of the consequences caused by our actions. Then, we analyze where our mental models are rooted — our myths, traditions, and bedtimes stories. Finally, we get to the exercise most Strategic Foresight Analysts jump to straight away — the environmental scanning of our external systems through frameworks such as STEEP or PESTEL (Social, Technological, Environmental, and Political drivers and factors).

Discover the futurist in you! –Tanja

Further Readings:

Tanja Schindler

Tanja Schindler is an internationally acclaimed futurist and strategic foresight expert with a remarkable career spanning over a decade. As the Chair of the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), she plays a pivotal role in advancing the field of professional futurism globally. Tanja is the Founder & Managing Director of Futures2All, dedicated to guiding businesses through sustainable and future-oriented transformations. She holds a distinguished double degree as an MBA and Master of Strategic Foresight from Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. Her involvement as a Foresight Advisor to the European Commission underlines her commitment to participatory futures-building and the incorporation of diverse stakeholder perspectives in futures thinking. Tanja's expertise in foresight innovation, leadership, and strategy, combined with her exceptional public speaking skills, establishes her as a leading voice in the global community of futurists.

Tanja Schindler ist eine international anerkannte Futuristin und Expertin für strategische Vorausschau mit einer bemerkenswerten Karriere, die sich über mehr als ein Jahrzehnt erstreckt. Als Vorsitzende der Association of Professional Futurists (APF) spielt sie eine zentrale Rolle bei der Förderung des professionellen Futurismus weltweit. Tanja ist Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von Futures2All, einem Unternehmen, das sich der Führung von Geschäften durch nachhaltige und zukunftsorientierte Transformationen widmet. Sie besitzt einen renommierten Doppelabschluss als MBA und Master of Strategic Foresight von der Swinburne University of Technology in Australien. Ihr Engagement als Beraterin für Vorausschau der Europäischen Kommission unterstreicht ihr Bekenntnis zum partizipativen Aufbau von Zukunftsbildern und zur Einbeziehung verschiedener Stakeholder-Perspektiven in das Zukunftdenken. Tanjas Expertise in Innovation, Führung und Strategie der Vorausschau, kombiniert mit ihren außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten als öffentliche Rednerin, etabliert sie als führende Stimme in der globalen Gemeinschaft der Futuristen.


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